The Knights of Suzaku

Immersive RP - Neutral Good - Quasimilitary Chocobo Cavalry-
                          Balmung, Shirogane, Ward 3, Plot 39
                    Multi-FC-Citizenship Characters Welcome!
Long ago, there was a benevolent warrior by the name of Tenzen. He aided the people of the land and ultimately sacrificed himself to protect the world. Even in death, his spirit is known to reappear and provide succor. The Knights of Suzaku were founded to continue Tenzen's work in life: to aid and protect the commonfolk of the world.The FC in Brief:The overarching theme of the FC is to provide apolitical assistance to commonfolk of the world. Usually, this involves prudent application of martial might upon the source of the problem. Member knights are deployed on combat missions and in return are provided room, board, equipage funds, and a stipend.We are Chocobo Knights! Your mount and companion will be utilized in our events and combat. Your mount can also progress and become more powerful in our in-house mount progression system!Both new and experienced roleplayers are welcome!We accept characters already in other FC's! Be a dual-citizen with us!The Knights of Suzaku are an RP-FC wherein members are usually "In-Character" when gathered together. This is not an enforced rule, but we hope our members are the type of roleplayers who WANT this to be the case.Our target RP style is 'Immersive': meaning players are looking to act out a character who lives and breathes in Eozrea as if it were a real place, and to interact with other players doing the same.We hope to provide at least one informal RP-event every week and one storyline-level formal event every other week. Our RP combat utilizes the steamlined dice-system of Grindstone/Bloodsands.Use the buttons below for more in-depth information!

Rules and OOC Info

The Knights of Suzaku will operate under the following guidelines:Rules for the FC itself to follow!
Before going into the general rules and guidelines for members, its important to establish the rules the FC sets for itself!
1) Player freedom shall not be curtailed, unless a certain freedom is limiting the freedoms of others.
- Membership is voluntary and should be fun! While we hope you join because you want to be a part of the FC's theme, we do not require anyone to attend any event, glam your character a certain way or in a certain color, or even to use the much beloved chocobo companion mounts.
2) The Importance of being Yes! Yes!
- We want to support and pursue the imaginations of our members and bring to life the RP of all characters! So long as the concept does not violate our rules and guidelines, there should be no OOC opposition to anything members come up with. IC opposition is another story, but that's the fun of roleplay!
OK! On to our member guidelines!OOC Rules1) Good feels all around.
- When OOC, our members shall attempt to instill others with good feelings whenever possible ((Mainly by not being a jerk.))
Note: This is not a limitation of in-character behavior. Some characters are jerks! And that's OK!2) Be in Eorzea! Leave the real world in the real world.
- People who have the capacity to be kind and polite to strangers can become friends with anyone- so long as politics, religion, race, and other hot-topic buzz-word controversies don't enter the conversation. So in FC communication in-game and in our discord: PLEASE refrain from discussing controversial topics.
3) Private acts should be in private places!
The Knights of Suzaku are not interested in ERP as an organization, but it does not seek to curtail any member's private, consensual affairs. Please keep such NSFW activity to private rooms, apartments, or out in the world- just generally away from public FC areas and discord channels. Similarly, NSFW content you wish to share must remain in the appropriate NSFW channels.
RP/IC Guidelines1) You pilot your own character, only.
A fundamental part of RP etiquette. Do not attempt to pilot another player's character by assigning them action or emotion in your emotes.
2) By default, all player characters are "main characters" of equal "power level"
- Your character is special in a world filled with other special people. Regardless if your character is half-god, half-ghost, half-robot or whatever it may be, from this world or another- they are equal in strength to another character who might be a farmer's kid from outside Limsa. You, as the player, must not expect to lord these in-character differences over other players. Any true disparity of in-character power level is of mutual consent between the players in question.
Now if your character simply believes they are superior, that is certainly fine and other characters are likely to be quite willing to prove the misconception!3) Share the Spotlight!
- As with real-world groups, its polite to pass attention around the participants so no one feels forgotten. Additionally; if the character you are portraying has abrasive or obnoxious traits, be cognizant of the current RP session and ration your character's disruptive tendences accordingly: if there is a storyline occurring and it promises to be lengthy, avoid lengthening the scene with excessive disruption. On the other hand, if people are hanging around and looking for something to RP about, that might be the perfect moment to show your character's unique aspects and thus become welcome entertainment for the others.
4) Use your chocobo!
There are lots of cool mounts in this game, and while players should always be free to use what they want- use of your chocobo in IC situations is highly encouraged. Being chocobo knights is a major component to the theme of the FC. We want other players in the world to look at us and see chocobo cavalry.

The FC, The House, and Events

Suzaku and the Knights of Suzaku
The Knights of Suzaku are roughly designed after feudal era orders of knights. They are a quasi-military organization, which means they have some militarist aspects but are not a formal army or mercenary group. There is no real rank structure other than seniority, and members are generally free to do as they wish. However, when martialed together for a specific task, they arm themselves as a cavalry unit and sally forth to defeat their enemy without expectation of material reward.
Suzaku, the Radiant, The Firebird, and one of the Four Lords of Orthard- is the quiet patron, sponsor, and spiritual leader of Her knights. She has directed the Knights to honor Tenzen with goodly deeds throughout the land, and through mysterious means, provides the financial backing for the Knights.The knights are generally expected to figure out how to accomplish their goals without divine input. Only in rare times of great distress does Suzaku commune with them directly.Belief in, or worship of, Lady Suzaku is not required.The Knights
Member Knights are provided room, board, equipage funds, and a modest stipend. The legendary Tenzen committed great deeds without desire for financial reward, so the Knights are directed to accept only similarly selfless recruits into the Knights; however, some pay is provided as a deterrent of corruption and bribery.
The FC House
The Knights of Suzaku were provided a modest and cozy hall in ((Balmung)) Shirogane, Ward 3, Plot 39. Nestled in seclusion in the heights, the structure boasts a small jousting turf in the yard, and immediate proximity to a private beach cove with attached natural onsen! The structure also extends into the earth, so there are more additional rooms than one might expect! Members are welcome to create a room immediately upon joining the FC.
RP Hooks
Looking to join, meet, or interact with the Knights of Suzaku but are unsure how that would come about ICly? Here are some ideas!
**Witnesses: * Villagers and/or your character may see warriors showing up on chocobo-back to aid them or pass through their village.
*Dues Ex Machina: Lady Suzaku, or the deity of your character's preference- may point in the direction of the Knights.
*Chocobos! The sight, sound, and pungent smell of chocobos are all over the place!
Member Events, Guest DMs, Etc.
Members will be welcome to run events if they desire. Anyone interested in "DM-ing" an event is welcome to do so! Just send a message to leadership and we can help make an event announcement in the discord!

Jousting - PvP Mounted Combat

The Knights of Suzaku may utilize a simple dice-based combat system similar to the Grindstone/Bloodsands communities. In brief: the higher roll wins. However, Jousting features rules which speed up the matches and include our loyal chocobo companions.Player vs. Player RP combat is called Jousting, and in a nutshell, the two players each roll two dice. One dice is for their character and the other is for their mount. The higher number wins.The player roll is a standard /random. (1-999)The mount's roll is a /random 777, so (1-777).((This is the default "fair-fight" value; however, if you are a FC member and participate in our Mount Progression system, you may want to enter a different value. Our "Mount Progression" section has more details.))The main difference between Jousting and "Grindstone" rules is that there is no attacker/defender and no initiative. Instead, both players write attacking emotes simultaneously, post them, and then roll dice. The higher sum determines the winner and grants a point. The losing player of that round provides an emote of their character being hit, and then both players reset to again simultaneously post attack emotes and rolls. By default, the first player with two points, wins.Emote Turn Order
1- Both players post attack emotes.
2- Players both roll dice.
3- Defeated player emotes the loss.
4- If neither player has reached the desired score limit, then return to step 1 and repeat these steps as needed. ((Default Score Limit is 2, which will end all fights in one or two rounds.))
DISMOUNTING RULE: If both of a player's dice are individually defeated by the matching dice of the opponent, the loser is considered dismounted. Dismounting a player is worth two points, so it is an instant victory unless players choose a higher score limit.

Scoring Examples:
One-Point Round Win
Player A Main Roll: 550 WIN
Player A Mount: 354 LOSE
Player A Total: 904 ONE-POINT WIN
Player B Main Roll: 400 LOSS
Player B Mount: 450 WIN
Player B Total: 850 LOSS
Dismounting Win
Player A Main Roll: 345 WIN <---- vs 223
Player A Mount: 500 WIN < ----- vs 450
Player A Total: 845 DISMOUNT WIN
Player B Main Roll: 223 LOSS
Player B Mount: 450 LOSS
Player B Total: 673 LOSS

Mount Progression

In the Knights of Suzaku, your loyal mount is a character and member, too! It adds their rolls to yours, and as you RP with your Knight member, your mount will get stronger!When you begin, your mount will be able to contribute a maximum of +200 to you in combat, or a mount roll of /random 200. For FC events and PvE mounted combat, you will only be able to use the value your mount has earned.
((However, when members Joust against one another, they may agree to use the default value of +777 to have a perfectly even match.))*
But by participating in FC events, or participating in IC events and activities on the server with other communities, FCs, and/or Grindstone/Bloodands matches- your mount will be granted XP and will gain a higher contributory roll!Your mount will max out at +777.Attendance awards will be attributed to your mounts after FC events. Proof of your participation in outside events and Bloodsand battles can be submitted on the Progression Reports Channel on the Discord. This is generally just a quick screenshot! These will be reviewed and awarded officially prior to scheduled FC events to ensure your mount is leveled up for it!((If real life prevents staff from this official counting of participation XP before an event, we trust players will be able to proceed with agreed values amongst themselves.))

Mount Progression Chart

ActivityAdditional Bonus Provided
FC Informal Event+50
FC Formal Event+100
Jousting Match+15
Grindstone/Bloodsands Match+10
Community Event/ Another FC's Event+25

Become a Knight of Suzaku!

Membership process under renovation! Just reach out to us!

Balmung residency is not a requirement for membership, though your homeworld will limit your access to FC invitations and private rooms.If you already have an FC, you do not have to leave it. We accept characters for dual-citizenship!Some points to consider about characters joining the FC:While the Knights are designed to be mostly lore adherent do-gooders, we do not have any specific limitations on the types of characters that can join. Thanks to the wonders of magic/Aether, it is easy enough to explain any sort of character someone can imagine. However, there are a few things worth musing over as one considers the "meta" situation of a character: as in, what will it be like for you, the player, to act out your chosen character around others?1) Evil characters can potentially be members, but should officers become aware of nefarious actions, your character can be expelled from the organization because the leadership characters are good-aligned and they naturally don't like evil people! You, as a player, would still be welcome, but the character would have to leave, die, or be fantasia'd into a new existence. If leaving is chosen, then the player will be granted time to clear out their personal room but their character will be considered IC-ly ejected. Chocobo progress would be lost.Alternatively: we can always think up some magical spell, enchanted belt/collar, or whatever that might impel your naturally evil character to be another goodie-goodie when it matters.2) Quiet, overly-reserved, or mute characters can be difficult to roleplay because it can be a struggle to contribute to the RP session. Prepare to be really creative with emotes or you may find youself accidently become a non-entity in lots of conversations because your character doesn't talk!3) Intensely abrasive, obnoxious, and eccentric personalities can be fun to play, but they can also become a burden for the pilots of the other characters around you. If your character is of this category, please keep in mind the need to share the spotlight! It can be frustrating for other players if every few moments of a scene or an event, a character erupts in some strange behavior that others are then forced to react to.4) Gods, spirits, half-gods, voidsent, kami, vampires, werewolves and everything else is welcome, but keep in mind that your lineage cannot be used on your fellow players without their specific consent. In regards to PvE RP, the DM of any given event will have discretion to consider exotic backgrounds as they can- but keep in mind that you may suffer from the weaknesses of the lineage as much as benefit from the strengths!